IDEAS Data Request

The Data Sharing and Publication Policy provides information and guidelines for individuals and corporations wishing to request access to clinical or image data archived during the IDEAS study. The IDEAS Study is committed to providing investigators in academia and industry an opportunity to access data collected as part of the study for purposes that are consistent with the goals of IDEAS. This may include ancillary research studies, technology development and educational initiatives.

The following policy is drafted to provide reasonable access to data while allowing the IDEAS Study team to meet its obligation of ensuring the data will be used responsibly, and that providing access will not burden the IDEAS Study’s resources such as to impede its ability to pursue its primary research. Investigators interested in asking research questions of data collected as part of IDEAS are encouraged to do so as a collaborative effort within the IDEAS structure. This approach will engage the IDEAS Study team’s “know how” related to the data and the trial which will provide the best opportunity for a successful analysis. Requests to collaborate with the IDEAS Study should be addressed to the Research and Publications Committee (RPC) by emailing

Please refer to the Data Sharing and Publication policy for additional considerations, the request and approval process, and responsibilities regarding the use of data.

Request data

Complete IDEAS Packet for Data Requests
Note: Items highlighted in yellow throughout this document may not be included in data extractions. Dates marked in yellow may be extracted as year only.